N.E.W.S.® Navigation: Leadership Development

Our suite of Leadership Development programs develops leaders with the capabilities needed for leadership in times of change.

Based on real time needs, the leaders can participate in the set of solutions as a pathway and continuum of development or undertake a stand-alone program within the suite of Leadership Development Training (LDT) programs.

Leaders that participate in our LDT programs are equipped with mindset, skills-set and tool-set to become a new type of a leader.

They develop their proactivity, participative leadership style and become more attentive, flexible, resilient, risk taker and a developer of people and teams. These are leaders who can navigate their people through a volatile, uncertain and complex environment and usher them into a new future. We create leaders of tomorrow able to thrive in times of change.

Our Leadership Development Training programs offer organizations the possibility to develop future bound leaders. The advanced experiential training programs provide your leaders and managers the needed capabilities in tomorrow’s new world.

They learn and practice new mindset, tool set and skill set to lead effectively individuals and teams through changing circumstances.

We train your leaders to use the N.E.W.S.® Compass as a diagnostic and leadership tool for navigating themselves, their team members and the whole organization.

We help organizations to develop new kind of leaders for the ever-changing reality.

Our Leadership Development Training programs can work for your organization as stand-alone programs or progressive pathway bringing more advanced skills to develop your leaders.

Learn more about N.E.W.S.® Navigation Solutions.

Explore, discuss, experience our Solutions! Send us a message to inquire or email [email protected] for queries.