Discover, Develop, Maximize and Share the Power Within! This is our mission and passion for every person, team and company.
You are assured of our commitment to deliver. Our customers and global partners trust us because of our passion, joy and commitment to fulfill our mission.
You are assured of our solid and relevant track record in Asia-Pacific. Our team has more than 100 years of successful commercial, training, consulting and coaching experiences in multinational and fast-growth companies in the region.
You are assured of our highly qualified pool of trainers, consultants and coaches. Our team uses tools, processes and methodologies based on global best practices and standards.
You are assured of successful and highly rated project implementation. Our team has returned the investments by helping achieve organizational transformation, business growth, sales performance, customer satisfaction, productivity goals and career development, among others.
We will be honored to journey with you, your team or your company to grow, and to find meaningful and sustainable success. Connect with us via email [email protected]
Taking Care of Business (TCOB) consulting solutions are for small, medium & large enterprises who commit to embark on and sustain business innovations & improvements. For diagnostic/ assessment tools, we offer & are certified for TotalSDI, Global Leader of the Future (GLOF) 360 & Personal Coaching Styles Inventory (PCSI).
We specialize in flexible context-appropriate programs (online, face-to-face, blended) focused on management, leadership, strategic selling and interpersonal effectiveness based on global best practices. Our partners include global and regional learning companies CEGOS, Duke CE, POWERinU Philippines and OTI.
We specialize in life, executive, corporate, leadership and success coaching, for individuals, teams or corporations. Our expert and credentialed coaches are trained and certified by Marshall Goldsmith, Jack Canfield and Coach U. For corporate coaching, we offer the gold-standard, Coaching Clinic workshop by Corporate Coach U.
Managing Director. Senior Consultant. Program Designer. Leadership Trainer & Facilitator. Executive Coach.
“To everything, there is a season and a purpose under the heaven.”
– Ecclesiastes 3:1
Director. Senior Consultant. Program Manager. Leadership Trainer & Facilitator. Executive Coach.
“Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others.” – John Maxwell
People Trained
Leaders Coached
Programs Delivered
Companies Served