VIP Training Class for the MANCOM of JS Unitrade Merchandise, Inc.

JS Unitrade Merchandise, Inc. sought to prepare and equip their management team to lead and manage change as the organization is going through digital upgrades, and as they launch business initiatives to be more relevant and competitive, in what they acknowledge is a rapidly changing business and competitive landscape. This led to the partnership of JS University Learning and Development and POWERinU Training and Coaching Philippines, Inc. in delivering the VIP Training Class under their Learn and Lead program.

The management committee of JS Unitrade attended the online workshop “Leading and Managing Change Workshop” last July 28, 2021, with POWERinU Directors Elaine Cercado and Jun Marfori as Facilitators. The online delivery proved to be no hindrance to learning as the MANCOM was highly engaged all throughout the day. Then last August 20, 2021, the participants had an online presentation of their change projects, in particular applying and utilizing the tools they learned during the workshop.

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