Purpose and passion spark high energy. Congruence between PURPOSE and day-to-day ACTIONS sustains the flow of MOTIVATION and ENERGY.
Discovering and living our passions, strengths and purpose are wonderful motivators. Equally important is the constant alignment between our purpose (our why) and day-to-day actions (our what & how).
When we embark on new journeys like a career shift, new job role or new phase of life – stretching out of our comfort zone is great but a key to sustaining the energy is the harmony of our passion, strengths, purpose and actions. Allow me to illustrate through my own examples:
♥️ Passion – One of my passions is knowing & understanding deeper the different aspects of a person including mind, body, emotion & spirit.
💪 Strengths – In the course of my professional work, I developed skills, which my clients rated as my strengths as trainer & coach, such as empathy, contextual listening, asking great questions and seeking multi-perspectives.
🧭 Purpose – My life and work purpose is aligned and embodied in our POWERinU Singapore mission: To empower individuals, teams and organizations discover, develop, maximize and share the power within them.
👟 Actions – My day-to-day actions include
⏳praying and meditating to feed & strengthen the soul;
⏳engaging & collaborating with our POWERinU team & partners to bring out the best within us;
⏳responding to & working with clients to bring out the power in them;
⏳taking care of my most important relationships, family and friends; and
⏳balancing all these with Couples for Christ (CFC) community and parish service & mission.
❓The test of congruence: while the amount of work does not seem to end and I have to spend long hours especially during project deliveries – I don’t resent my work or feel guilty. I am at peace, balanced and feel joyful despite some obstacles and physical tiredness at times. Most of all, I don’t feel that I’m shortchanging my relationships and other key roles in life.
❣️The congruence among passion, strengths, purpose and actions is the key. Energy flows, motivates and sustains me.