More and more employees are doing the bare minimum necessary in the workplace. They do not tend to take more responsibility or participate in what they think are unnecessary activities or meetings.
📣 This is what N.E.W.S.® calls the Mediocrity or Survival model, based on Jim Collins’ book “Good to Great.” In this model, people are just getting by with what are “not too bad” and which “they don’t mind doing.”
Studies by “Great Place to Work” show that employees who feel that their work is meaningful are twice as likely to stay in their workplace and be fully engaged.
🌟It is the responsibility of leaders to connect employees to the larger meaning of their work and to create meaningful jobs.
🌟On the other hand, it is the responsibility of employees to navigate their careers to where they can find meaning and fulfilment.
📣 Again based on Jim Collins’ book “Good to Great”, N.E.W.S.® says the Greatness model is when people and organizations can choose their direction by asking 3 important questions:
🚨What are we passionate about as leaders (as individuals or teams)?
🚨What are our core competencies and capabilities?
🚨How can we meet the needs of our market in a practical manner?
This model is constructed from the “inside-out”, where individuals or teams can then follow their uniqueness and make a substantial contribution to their organization. They eventually become highly motivated teams and achieve great results.📈
If you wish to discover and move towards your direction of greatness, then answer the 3 questions above, as a starting point.
Email [email protected] if you want to know more about the N.E.W.S.® Navigation framework, programs and solutions.