POWERinU delivers a series of Leadership Sessions for Toshiba Information Equipment (Philippines) Inc.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

~ Charles Darwin

POWERinU Training and Coaching Philippines, Inc. delivered a series of Leadership Sessions for Toshiba Information Equipment (Philippines) Inc. Leaders and Managers from January to March 2022 that focused on top core leadership competencies for today and the future: leading change, emotional intelligence and coaching skills.

TOSHIBA Information Equipment (TIP) is a fast-growing and fully-expanding manufacturing company engaged in the production of cutting-edge storage devices. The key objective for the leadership sessions was to support TIP Leaders in leading their teams in today’s challenging times, through leadership and development interventions. This was also in line with the over-all objective to protect and retain both the leaders and employees for the long- term.

The 3-part series for Leaders and Managers called “Enhancing Management and Leadership Competencies” were interactive, facilitator-led, online learning sessions and they were facilitated by POWERinU Directors and Senior Trainers Elaine CercadoBenjie Garcia and Jun Marfori.

The sessions were targeted for all TIP managers and leaders, and included the following series:

Series 1: Leading through Changes and Challenging Times

Series 2: Leading with Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Series 3: Empowering Teams through Coaching

Here’s what some of the participants had to say:

  • The training is very informative and an excellent avenue for managers to gather and hear their voice and their opinions.
  • The program content is great and I believe it is vey helpful for us managers.
  • Thank you for the trainings, it is refreshing to again undergo such training

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