How to Radiate Confidence: Be H.A.P.P.Y.

by Elaine Cercado

“Self-Confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.” ~ Samuel Johnson

The times when I showed confidence, which I define as “contagious conviction”, people believed in me, rejoiced with me, and gave their wholehearted support and commitment. In many occasions, they actually led to victorious moments.

On the other hand, the times when I doubted myself, and showed that, were the times people doubted me too. Consequently, the buy-in and support would be half-hearted and tentative, and the results would take longer or would take a different path, and worse, would turn unsuccessful.

There was a study from Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Behavioral Decision Research, which showed that confidence would win over accuracy when it came to earning the trust of other people. I do not encourage at all being overly confident, as I believe in remaining authentic. Authenticity is a key aspect in gaining and radiating confidence.

So how can we radiate confidence? My formula – Be HAPPY! I’ve summarized in the document below what being H-A-P-P-Y means – do check it out.

Literally, when we are HAPPY, the world rejoices and celebrates with us. A happy person radiates a confident aura and stands out. Such confidence and joy within us and around us empower us to great undertakings in life!

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