POWERinU Joins Learning @ Work Week 2019 of Analog Devices

Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) held their first-ever Learning at Work Week on the week of October 14th 2019, and POWERinU Training and Coaching Philippines, Inc. was invited to speak during the plenary and to give a micro-learning session to attendees.

POWERinU President Benjie Garcia gave the learning session on “The Emotional Intelligence Experience” with 50 people in attendance. The attendees were highly engaged and participative during the 1-hour session, and the questions posed during and even after the session, showed the high level of interests of the attendees to the topic.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jun Marfori, POWERinU Director, gave the plenary with the topic “Is Change a Sinking Ship or a Sunken Treasure in the VUCA World?” The attention of the attendees were captured from the get-go as Mr. Jun Marfori narrated an arduous change experience. The high impact 45-minute talk was a great ending to the plenary sessions during ADI’s learning event.

ADI’s learning event was a success with at least 400 people in attendance, and we at POWERinU would like to thank ADI for giving us the opportunity to speak to their organization leaders and members. We also look forward to more collaborations and learning events in the future.

Interested to offer similar learning sessions to your organization? Email [email protected]

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