Online Coaching Masterclass for AMCHAM Philippines

In partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AMCHAM Philippines), POWERinU Training & Coaching Philippines, Inc. delivered a complimentary 3-hour Coaching Masterclass entitled “Empowering your Leadership in a Digital World through Coaching,” last April 29, 2021.

The Coaching Masterclass was attended by Learning and Development, Human Resources, Sales and Operations Managers and Leaders, representing global companies, all member companies of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AMCHAM Philippines).

The masterclass experience was one of enthusiastic engagement and proactive participation, as the facilitators and the participants navigated through the discussions and workshop activities. The post-event survey showed a high level of satisfaction, citing the key learnings and insights which the masterclass participants gained.

Following the success of the Webinar, “Dealing with Change in View of a Crisis” last April 17, 2020, and this recent Coaching Masterclass, jointly the American Chamber of Commerce Philippines and POWERinU look forward to increased collaboration through similar events and programs.

Explore, discuss, experience our online leadership masterclasses! Email us at [email protected]

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