Finishing Well, Book 3: What’s Next? By Bob Buford

Book Recommended by Elaine Cercado

In this last of three instalments  author Bob Buford wraps up his “conversations over lunch” with the trailblazers of our times, and learns the key to a fuller, richer second season of life.

Elaine Cercado: I was inspired by the story of Frances Hesselbein, former head of Girl Scouts of America and volunteer in many other non profit organizations. She said:   “I have a strong belief we are called to do what we do. And when we’re called, we’re given the energy…You move, a door opens, and you walk through that door.  In time, another door opens and you walk through that door…”

There is another section of the book I like entitled “The  way out is always through” from Robert Frost’s poem. What a simple phrase to say that in life, we need to go through the challenges to gain faith and wisdom, and to go through the changes and resistance to gain muscles.

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