Developing and Enhancing Personal Leadership – Balance and Productivity

EMPOWER Workshop Modules


  • Module F: How to Manage Time Better and Maximize Productivity

    • Objectives: To understand the characteristics of and misconceptions about time. To learn a framework to use for time management and productivity improvement. To put “first things first” into action (pre-work needed).
    • Exercises: Personal time matrix. “Big rocks” statement.

  • Module G: How to Manage Stress and Enjoy a More Balanced Life
    • Objectives: To understand how stress works and identify its warning signs. To identify the needs that have to be considered to manage stress. To set goals, create action plan for a balanced life, and commit to the change.
    • Exercises: Drawing your balanced life. Personal Action Plan.

Learn more about maintaining balance  in a fast changing world from this EMPOWER Women@Work video!

Check out our EMPOWER Framework page for more details about the process and steps.

To request for more information about the EMPOWER Program modules or for a trial coaching session, kindly connect with us. Thank you.