Author, Canfield Certified Trainer, Motivational Speaker and POWERinU Director Penny Bongato delivered her 4th Vision Board Workshop for 2020 to DEXCOM last February 13, 2020.
Penny always finds it a pleasure to share goal setting, affirmation and visualization, sharing your goals – career, financial, relationship, health and fitness, fun time and recreation, personal and contribution goals – with others.
Penny was even approached by one of the participants (who did her vision board last year in one of her workshops). Some of her goals have been accomplished, including being at Dexcom! This workshop, making a vision board, is truly very powerful!
Having participants share their goals with others – even with friends, sometimes it’s even scary for fear of aiming too high or being judged by others. However, the more you share your goals, the more people may be able to help you achieve your goals. We have seen it work so many times so do not be afraid.
People often ask Penny, “Should we make our vision board at the start of the year?” And this is her reply, “No, you can make your vision board any time. Because I believe that everyday is a new year. Every day is a new beginning.”
Make your dreams come true!

Interested in offering this program to your organization? Email us at [email protected].sg