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Celebrating Our PASSION and MISSION!

by Elaine Cercado

de’POWERinU (now POWERinU) is all about bringing the power within all of us. This mission – guided by and executed with our shared values of  integrity, relevance, quality and passion – has brought our Team together.

Last week, our Team celebrated our completion of Train-the-Trainer certification for the Strategic Account Sales workshop by IMPAX Corporation, a new US-based partner specializing in sales performance improvement via strategic sales & account management training, sales leadership and sales coaching.

With this certification, we are deepening and broadening our mission by empowering individuals and teams in the sales and sales leadership professions via a training solution that is research-driven , customer- and business-focused, structured and implementation-oriented.

It is important to dream and aspire about our mission.  It is equally important to fulfill it. By God’s grace, we have made some leaps and bounds over the last 3 years (Yes, we are turning 3 this March 2011!)

And as we celebrate, we shout this out:  We remain committed to our mission – to help every person and team discover, learn, develop, maximize & share their powers (gifts, talents, strengths).  We will continue to make a difference in people’s lives – one person, one team, one company at a time!

* Updated in 2016 to reflect POWERinU’S new company name.

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